Is it possible to change a generation by tinkering in the education system of a country?
Read the story of three dreamers who want to bring about meaningful change in their country using their engineering degree, the story of their trials and perseverance; the story of a beautiful dream of three young individuals — of a beautiful country where everyone would possess beautiful minds, beautiful thoughts and instincts, beautiful mentality, and beautiful moral values.

All the different problems in Bangladesh are public knowledge. Whenever a citizen says something about the country, it is full of complaints. Many people dream of escaping the country to build a career abroad. But, with their engineering degrees, three enthusiastic individuals from the department of CSE, Rajshahi University, dreamt of bringing about meaningful change in the country and its education system. They believe that all the solutions to the multitude of problems lie rooted in the education system. From this belief and commitment to work with the education system, Tinkers was born.

We spend a large part of our lives in this education system. We have many complaints about this system. While working with the education system, the Tinkers team found that our students fail to take in the education in a fun way. Many are falling behind morally, in leadership positions, and in solving problems in this era of the fourth industrial revolution. When education is monotonous, there is a dire need for interactive materials, personalization, and proper guidance in education. This monotony is making our childhoods painful. So, Tinkers’ war against this monotony began! Tinkers is working to make children’s education fun and presenting them beautiful childhoods.
Trying to build beautiful childhoods, Tinkers saw that almost 2 million Bangladeshi children are living abroad, who lack interactive and personalized learning materials to learn Bangla. On the other hand, at home, millions of other children going to English-medium schools are afraid of Bangla. People are starting to fear this mesmeric language, for which we even shed blood. To solve this problem, Tinkers created Amar Vasha, an online Bangla-learning tutoring service.

Tinkers is not only an online tutoring service, it is a community. A very hardworking, talented, and creative team is regularly researching to make this service even better. Tinkers created the first personalized curriculum to learn Bangla, a huge daily-updating, dynamic, and interactive content base, and incredible pedagogies to teach in a fun way. Now, Tinkers dreams of creating a universe of products and services to learn Bangla so that they can teach Bangla to any child anywhere.
On January 14th, 2020, Tinkers was born by winning the BYLC Ventures Youth Entrepreneurship Competition and raising funds. mPower Social Enterprise is also our shareholder. Tinkers was registered on September 1st, 2020. Tinkers is a completely online company at the moment. Currently, about 55 employees work at Tinkers. They are all working from different corners of the country. Tinkers is trying to create the culture of running companies completely online.

Tinkers has a strong and dynamic curriculum team, who are regularly reshaping the curriculum; innovative and flexible feedback and quality assurance team, who are relentlessly watching and analyzing all the contents and lessons and everything else to ensure that the quality always remains top-notch, and they are also helping the teachers and all other teams grow d-flex justify-content-center align-items-center by giving them relevant, timely feedback. Tinkers has a capable content team that is continuously taking in ideas and creating interactive and fun content. Tinkers also have parent care, operations, marketing, sales, and technical team.

Despite trying to solve a small issue, Tinkers has an expansive vision. Tinkers wants to solve all the problems of the country, one by one. Tinkers wants to work with children. Because Tinkers believes, today’s child is tomorrow d-flex justify-content-center align-items-center’s citizen. Ensuring a child’s proper childhood and education opens up the door for a beautiful, stable, and humane future